WIP Wednesday - June 19

Although it feels like I've been spending more time outside the sewing room than inside, I am getting a few things done. Because summer is a difficult time for me to get motivated to sew, I am trying to pre-cut a few projects so that when I have an hour or two, I can just get right down to sewing. Alphabet 9-patch Alphabet 9-patch Someone had gifted me with an alphabet panel and an assortment of scraps of the same panel. I carefully cut out each letter, found a green print to go with it and some off-white squares to finish the 9-patch blocks and set aside the pieces I cut for sewing on another day. Scrappy purple squares I have lots of scraps and they are stored in a large Rubbermaid tub. (Any quilter should have shares in Rubbermaid!) These are destined to end up in scrap quilts and occasionally, I will take some out and do some sorting. If the pieces are bigger than 5x5, I'll just fold them neatly and store with similar colors along with the fat quarters of t...